Administering : Aliases
You can use an alias to identify all the workspaces, modules, views, elements, and attributes when you integrate Focal Point® with other tools through Web Services 2.0.
With an alias, you can configure your own IDs rather than using the Focal Point® IDs. The default value is a random auto-generated Universally Unique Identifier (UUID). You can change the value, but it must be unique.
You can display and edit the alias for the workspace and its modules, views, and attributes by clicking the Settings icon Settings icon and then, from the Configure group, clicking Alias. The alias for the workspace is listed at the top of the list of aliases. The aliases for the modules are listed according to the order of the modules. The aliases of elements are displayed in the Web Services API, not on the alias list.
To display and edit the aliases for views of a module and for attributes in the module, expand the module. To edit the alias, double click the value of the alias. After you edit the value, click the Save icon next to the value.
See also
Administering Focal Point®