Administering : Managing business rules and expressions : Operators of expressions : Expressions for Text attributes
Expressions for Text attributes
The following examples are basic expressions for Text attributes.
="Two " + "Strings"
Adds two text strings
Two Strings
='Unique ID' + ":" + 'Title'
Adds the value of the Unique ID attribute, a colon, and the value of the Title attribute
R22:Example Requirement
="Release Responsible: " + 'Members!Joe User!Full Name' + " ( " + 'Departments!Development!Title' + ")"
Adds the values of two attributes in other elements
Release Responsible: Joe User (Development)
='ID' + ":" + 'Title' + " (" + 'Status' + ")"
Adds the values of three attributes in the same element (two Text attributes and one Choice attribute)
R22:Example Requirement (Accepted)
Operators of expressions