Administering : Managing business rules and expressions : Business rules definitions : LinkInfo business rule
LinkInfo business rule
The LinkInfo business rule displays attributes from other modules or workspaces in an element by using links. For example, module A contains an incoming links attribute with links from module B. With the LinkInfo business rule, you can display attribute values of module B in module A.
The LinkInfo business rule cannot be used in the Prefix attribute.
The LinkInfo business rule does not log history. Hence, LinkInfo business rule does not display any information in version attributes.
The LinkInfo business rule can display information only in HTML pages. It cannot be exported as an XML (using REST calls) file or as a Microsoft Excel file.
A Link, LinkList, or Incoming Links attribute in the target module
A business rule container attribute in the target module. This attribute must be a Text attribute.
In the business rule container attribute, enter the business rule in the following format:
=LinkInfo("Link Attribute Name",
"Attribute Name1,Attribute Name2,Attribute Name3",
"Member ID","nosort", "strict")
To display the LinkInfo data in a matrix, before the first attribute name in the second parameter, insert a comma:
=LinkInfo("Link Attribute Name",
",Attribute Name1,Attribute Name2,Attribute Name3",
"Member ID")
"Link Attribute Name"
The attribute that contains links to other elements
"Attribute Name"
The attributes to search for in the listed elements.
To use multiple names, separate them with commas.
"Member ID"
The attributes that are displayed must be collected from a member’s preferences. This parameter is the ID of the selected member. The member ID must belong to a member who is in the workspace where you activate the LinkInfo expression.
Optional. Uses the link order from the database without any sorting.
Optional. Displays an error if a referenced attribute is missing for any of the elements in the list.
If you do not specify this parameter, an empty cell is displayed in the list table.
Only the link targets that are part of the view specified by this id will be shown in the link info. If the id is not found, or the view is invalid, then all the targets from the "Link Attribute" will be shown.
See also
LinkInfo example
Business rules definitions