Administering : Setting up notifications : Notification types : All changes (notification type)
All changes (notification type)
This type of notification contains information about the latest changes that were made to the elements in the view. For example, the owner of a requirement might set up this type of requirement to be notified each time the requirement changes.
To set up this type of notification, the history logs of the attributes in the view must be activated. To activate the logs, click the Settings icon Settings icon and then, from the Configure group, click Attributes. Click the module that contains the attribute, click the attribute, and on the attribute properties page, select Log changes. If no elements have changed since the last time the notification was sent, no notification is sent.
Note The Heading, History, and Matrix attribute types are not supported in change notifications. When list text is of Classic style, the entire List Text attribute content will be displayed in the notification mail on changes instead of notifying only the changed content.
There might be multiple changes on each element. The messages are grouped by elements that have undergone similar changes. The notification message starts with a link to an element that changed with a description of the change, followed by the links to elements that have undergone similar changes.
Detail level of body text
The IDs and titles of the elements that have changed since the notification was last sent.
The IDs and titles of the elements that have changed since the notification was last sent. A description of the changes for each element is included in the following format:
On [date and time] [user name] changed [attribute name] to [attribute value]
The notification contains the most recent changes only.
The IDs and titles of the elements that have changed since the notification was last sent. A description of the changes for each element is included in the following format:
On [date and time] [user name] changed [attribute name] to [attribute value]
The notification contains all the changes.
You can define the content of notification. For example:
[ELEMENTNAME] = The title of the element
[ELEMENTID] = The id of the element
[ELEMENTLINK] = A link to the element displayed in the format: Id:Title
[ATTRIBUTEVALUE] = The newattribute value
[ATTRIBUTENAME] = The title of the attribute
[USERNAME] = The name of the user who changed the element
[TIME] = The date and timewhen the change was made
[ATTRIBUTENAME] for [ELEMENTLINK] has been changed to
[ATTRIBUTEVALUE] by [USERNAME] [TIME]. Click the link to go to
the requirement.
This notification might be displayed as follows:
Status for Req1234:Example Requirement 1 has been changed to Implemented by John Smith 2007-07-04 12:37. Click the link to go to the requirement.
Example of notifications that are grouped by elements that have similar changes:
On 2010-09-08 09:50 Admin changed Status to New
On 2010-09-08 09:50 Admin changed Title to Element1
On 2010-09-08 09:50 Admin changed [B]Choice[/B] to In Progress
Notification types