Administering : Setting up notifications : Notification types : All current content (notification type)
All current content (notification type)
This type of notification is about the content of a view and is sent at a specified interval. For example, to track all new requirements, a product manager might set up a weekly notification that contains the requirements with the “New” status.
Detail level of body text
The IDs and titles of the elements. You can click a link to go to an element.
The IDs, titles, and descriptions of the elements. You can click a link to go to an element.
A list of all the attributes of the elements. You can click a link to go to an element.
You can define the content of the notification. For example:
[ELEMENTNAME] = The title of the element
[ELEMENTID] = The id of the element
[ELEMENTLINK] = A link to the element displayed in the format: Id:Title
[ATTRIBUTELIST] = The attributes in the view will be listed
Action [ELEMENTLINK] has passed due date.
Click the link to go to the action.
This notification might be displayed as follows:
Action 123:ExampleAction has passed due date.
Title: Example Action 1
Description: This is a description of the action
Due Date: 2006-07-04
Status: Unhandled
Click the link to go to the action.
See also
Adding notifications
Notification types