Administering : Setting up workspaces : Workspace settings
Workspace settings
If you are a global administrator or have the Workspace global permission, you can specify the workspace settings.
Access the Administration menu from the User menu. Select General > Workspaces to list the available workspaces. Click the Actions link corresponding to a workspace, to specify the workspace settings. You can also click View All on the Workspaces menu to display the list of workspaces, and specify the workspace settings.
You can click the workspace name to open the workspace. To tag a workspace as favorite, click the gray star icon that is next to the workspace name. The star icon changes to yellow to indicate that the workspace is tagged as a favorite, and the workspace is listed as a Favorite in the Workspaces menu.
The Actions link provides the following workspace settings:
Export Workspace
Exports the workspace as a compressed XML file. You can select from the available export types and options.
Create template from workspace
Creates a template based on the workspace. The template is a copy of the workspace, and is available to all users who can create workspaces. The template has most of the workspace entities such as modules, elements, attributes, users, and comparisons.
Delete workspace
Deletes the workspace permanently from the database.
You cannot roll back this operation.
Hide workspace
Hides the workspace so that it is not listed in the available list of workspaces. A hidden workspace is visible only if you select General > Workspaces from the Administration menu. For workspaces that are hidden, the Actions link lists the Unhide workspace option.
Make workspace public
Makes a workspace public so that you can request access to that workspace if Self Registration is enabled.
When users who do not have access to any of the workspaces log in, they can see the list of public workspaces in the http://your server//fp/info/ws.jsp page.
For public workspaces, the Actions link lists the Make workspace private option.
The Public Workspace security setting must be set to Yes to view the public workspaces.
Recreate search index
Re-creates the search index of the workspace to improve search performance. Depending on the size of the workspace, this operation can take a long time. While the index is being re-created, you cannot use the search feature, and the server performance is effected. Re-create the search index when only a few users are logged in.
Update Workspace
Updates a workspace by importing the selected .fpz file. The .fpz file must be of the required workspace that was exported using Selective export as the export type.
You cannot roll back this operation.
Update Workspace Vocabulary
Updates a workspace vocabulary by importing the selected .csv file.
You can export the workspace vocabulary to a .csv file using Vocabulary terms export as the export type, make the required changes to the vocabulary term URI (typeURI) and description for modules, attributes, or choice items, and import the updated .csv file by using the Update Workspace Vocabulary feature. The import result page lists the vocabulary terms that were updated for each module. The result page also provides a link to open the updated workspace.
Update Workspace Vocabulary is available only in Focal Point® 6.6.1 and later.
See also
Focal Point® Reporting Server
Exporting a workspace
Setting up workspaces