Administering : Working with SQL commands : Entering SQL commands
Entering SQL commands
You can enter quick and complex SQL commands from the SQL page in the Advanced menu.
1 Click the Settings icon Settings icon and then, from the Advanced group, click SQL.
2 Type the SQL command:
Command type
Complete the following step
Complex SQL commands
In the top field of the SQL section, type the SQL command. You can separate commands by using semicolons (;).
Optional: In the From and To fields, type keywords. Before the commands are sent to the database, the keywords in the From and To fields are replaced.
Quick SQL commands
In one of the bottom five fields in the SQL section, type an SQL command. You can keep up to five SQL commands in these fields: one command for each field.
3 Click Execute.
The SQL command is entered.
The results are displayed in the bottom frame. When you enter complex SQL commands, only the result set of the last SQL command is displayed. If the list of results is long and Multiple Headers is selected, the title row is displayed more than once in the list.
Working with SQL commands