Extending product function : Setting up the IT portfolio management workspace : Template structure : Roles in the IT portfolio management workspace
Roles in the IT portfolio management workspace
The IT portfolio management template has predefined roles, such as IT analysts, stakeholders, and PMO. You can create and configure your own roles in addition to the predefined roles.
Main roles
All members of the IT portfolio management workspace must have a main role. You can manage the main roles on the Members page (Members > Members). All users can:
add and display project proposals and business needs
handle their own risks
investigate business needs
read all delivered and rejected proposals and the process diagram
view use cases to understand which view can be used for a task.
In case users need help or access, a list of administrators is provided.
Secondary roles
A user might be selected to complete a task; for example, to create a business case for a project proposal. To complete a task, any user can be assigned a secondary role in addition to their main role. There are two predefined secondary roles: proposal owner and application gap analyst. At least one person must be assigned as the proposal owner. If you want certain people to measure the need for and their satisfaction with an application, one person must be assigned the application gap analyst role. To manage secondary roles, click Members > Member > [select member] > Secondary Roles.
Business Stakeholder
This role is primarily read-only. It is for people in the organization who are interested in information stored in Focal Point®. The business stakeholder can add project proposals and business needs. Business stakeholders can also be assigned to handle their own risks or investigate business needs.
Executive Stakeholder
This role is for an executive who is interested in the project portfolio and the overall portfolio situation. This role cannot approve decisions or prioritize projects.
This role is primarily read-only. People with the finance role can edit financial data; for example, financials for projects and applications.
IT Analyst
This role is part of the IT organization in the business. The IT analyst does the first and second assessment of projects proposals. The first assessment is to determine whether a proposal is a project. The second assessment is to do the initial estimation of the project proposal.
Project Management Office (PMO)
People with this role can create the pre-plan for a project after the project is approved. The pre-plan includes defining the resource demand, the scope, and the target dates. The PMO also transfers projects that are approved for implementation to a project planning tool, and then monitors their progress by retrieving regular updates in the CLM system. In addition, the PMO manages business needs.
Steering Committee
This role can make approval decisions about the project portfolio. The steering committee approves business cases, prioritizes project proposals (value analysis), reviews the project road map, and does capacity analysis and project implementation approvals. The steering committee also monitors the portfolio health, analyzes project balance, reviews the strategic alignment of projects, and analyzes the portfolio risk scorecard.
Application Gap Analyst
People with this role can vote on how much a certain application is needed and how satisfied they are with that application. The vote results form the application gap analysis chart.
Proposal Owner
This role provides the project proposal with a business case. The proposal owner can also be responsible to create the pre-plan for the project with the PMO.
See also
Adding roles
Template structure