Extending product function : Setting up the IT portfolio management workspace : Template structure : Home pages in the IT portfolio management workspace
Home pages in the IT portfolio management workspace
Each role has a home page. A home page consists of one or more windows that contain information that is relevant to a role or user. People with both main and secondary roles inherit the home page windows for both roles.
Home page windows
All users
Welcome to IT Portfolio Management in Focal Point®: Contains the UNICOM Systems, Inc. logo and values. You can replace the logo and values with your own logo and text.
My Project Proposals to Clarify: If you are the submitter of any projects, this window contains projects that you must clarify.
My Owned Open Risks: Contains risks that you own and that are in the open state
IT Analyst
Project Distribution: Contains a statistical view of the projects, distributed by state
My Project Proposals To Assess: Contains the project proposals that you must assess
Create Business Need: Contains the proposals that are marked as business needs. The IT analyst must create a business need for each of these proposals.
Steering Committee
Portfolio Health: Contains portfolio indicators and rolled up financial data
Projects with Overrun Planned Expenses: Contains ongoing projects for which actual expenses have overrun planned expenses by more than 20%
Strategic Objectives: Contains a graph that shows the importance of each strategic objective
Size of Ongoing Projects (Total Mean NPV) for Strategic Objectives: Contains the total mean NPV of the ongoing projects, distributed by strategic objective
Project Distribution: State: Contains a statistical view of the projects, distributed by state
Portfolio Financials: Contains financial details on the portfolio level. Graphs of each portfolio show the net cash flow for plan-high, plan-low, plan-likely, and the actual for pipeline and existing projects
Open High Priority Portfolio Risks: Contains a list of portfolio level risks that are in the open state that are marked as high priority
Total Supply: Shows a table of all supply resources for all resource pools per month
Total Demand Pipeline Projects: Shows a table of all demand resources for all pipeline projects per month
Total Demand Existing Projects: Shows a table of all demand resources for all existing projects per month
Project Management Office (PMO)
Total Supply: Shows a table of all supply resources for all resource pools per month
Total Demand Pipeline Projects: Shows a table of all demand resources for all pipeline projects per month
Total Demand Existing Projects: Shows a table of all demand resources for all existing projects per month
Allocations to Approve: Shows a table of all the allocations to approve
Executive Stakeholder
Portfolio Health: Contains portfolio indicators and rolled up financial data
Projects with Overrun Planned Expenses: Contains ongoing projects in which actual expenses have overrun planned expenses by more than 20%
Strategic Objectives: Contains a graph that shows the importance of each strategic objective
Size of Ongoing Projects (Total Mean NPV) for Strategic Objectives: Contains the total mean NPV of the ongoing projects, distributed by strategic objective
Project Distribution: State: Contains a statistical view of the projects, distributed by state
Portfolio Financials: Contains financial details on the portfolio level. Graphs of each portfolio show the net cash flow for plan-high, plan-low, plan-likely, and the actual for pipeline and existing projects.
Open High Priority Portfolio Risks: Contains a list of portfolio level risks that are in the open state that are marked as high priority
Portfolio Health: Contains portfolio indicators and rolled up financial data
Portfolio Financials: Contains financial details on the portfolio level. Graphs of each portfolio show the net cash flow for plan-high, plan-low, plan-likely, and the actual for pipeline and existing projects.
Proposal Owner
Create Business Case for Projects: Contains a list of projects for which the user is the proposal owner and must create the business case
Total Supply: Shows a table of all supply resources for all resource pools per month
Total Demand Pipeline Projects: Shows a table of all demand resources for all pipeline projects per month
Total Demand Existing Projects: Shows a table of all demand resources for all existing projects per month
Template structure