Extending product function : Setting up the IT portfolio management workspace : Setting up the IT portfolio management workspace template : Managing users : Adding users to a workspace
Adding users to a workspace
After you add users to the database in the IT portfolio management workspace, you can add them to a workspace.
1 In the IT portfolio management workspace, click Members > Members.
2 Click the folder to add the users to. Each folder represents a role.
3 In the corresponding fields, enter the full name, user name, and email address of the user.
4 Click Add Member.
5 Search for the user to add to the workspace.
To list all users, press Enter.
6 Select a user by selecting the check box next to the user’s name.
Continue until you have selected all of the users that you want to add. If you are adding many users to a workspace simultaneously, do not add more than 100 users at a time.
7 Click Next.
Depending on how many users you added, the page might load slowly.
8 Click Finish.
Wait until the users are added. Depending on how many users you added, the page might load slowly.
9 Verify that the user inherits access to views from the role by selecting a user that you added. Edit the Inherit From attribute, and then select Parent Folder.
Managing users