Extending product function : Setting up the IT portfolio management workspace : Setting up the IT portfolio management workspace template : Updating workspace data : Updating strategic objectives criteria
Updating strategic objectives criteria
You can set your strategic objectives criteria by customizing the strategic objectives that are provided as examples. You can specify the required weight for each objective and add more objectives, if required.
1 Click Modules > Criteria > Strategic Objectives.
2 Select the objective and modify the title so that it specifies your strategic objective.
3 Add or delete objectives, as necessary to meet the requirements of your environment.
4 Modify the weight attribute. Specify the number in integers as percentages, because weight indicates the importance of an objective relative to the importance of other strategic objectives. For example: Objective 1 – 13, Objective 2 – 26.
5 Select the Strategic Objectives folder and edit the Importance attribute.
6 Specify the weight for each strategic objective and save the changes.
Updating workspace data