Extending product function : Setting up the IT portfolio management workspace : Setting up the IT portfolio management workspace template : Updating workspace data : Updating images
Updating images
The IT portfolio management workspace contains the UNICOM Systems, Inc. logo and process images. You can replace those images with images for your organization.
1 Click Modules > Images.
2 Click the Process element.
3 To change the process image, in the image row, click Edit icon. Browse and select the new process image file. This image will be displayed on the home page for all users.
4 Click the UNICOM Systems, Inc. element, and then type the name of your company.
5 To change the logo, in the image row, click Edit icon. Browse to and select the logo file.
6 Click Configure > Views > All Members/System Views > Homepage Views > Images.
7 Update the default logo with your company name and logo.
8 Edit the View Definition and update the rule to replace the UNICOM Systems, Inc. name.
Updating workspace data