Extending product function : Setting up the IT portfolio management workspace : Setting up the IT portfolio management workspace template : Workflow in the IT portfolio management workspace
Workflow in the IT portfolio management workspace
In the IT portfolio management workspace, the workflow is set up for the Projects module. The workflow is based on the State attribute.You can use the workflow to complete these activities:
enforce the process of moving a project from one state to another, where only certain transitions are allowed
control which attributes are editable, visible but not editable, or hidden for each state, and which attributes are editable or visible during a transition between states.
The workflow is related to the views and roles in the workspace. By applying a workflow to a view and assigning it to a role, you can control what users who have that role can do in the transfer of states. Only a few views that are based on the Projects module use the workflow. For views that use the workflow, your access levels for both the view and the workflow affect what you can see and do.
In views that are not used for transitions, the State attribute is set to Visible, or read-only. The workflow is not applied on such views.
In views that are used for transitions, all attributes are editable or visible. The descriptions of these views contain the note “Workflow applied”. The access rights on each attribute are defined in the workflow definition, with some exceptions.
When you add a new attribute to the Projects module, you must first update all views based on these modules to set up the attribute access. Because several views have a workflow applied to them, you must also update the attribute access rights in the workflow definition. By default, a new attribute is set to be editable. You must edit each state in the workflow, set the access rights for the new attribute, and save your changes. However, you do not need to update the transitions.
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