Extending product function : Setting up the IT portfolio management workspace : Setting up the IT portfolio management workspace template : Integrating with IBM Rational products : Integrating with IBM Rational System Architect
Integrating with IBM Rational System Architect
You can integrate Focal Point® with IBM Rational System Architect by using the Title, Description, and GUID attributes in the Projects, Criteria, and Applications modules. The GUID attribute is a hidden. You can integrate entities other than projects. To integrate with IBM Rational System Architect, add a GUID attribute (Type Text) in a module and specify the views to use for the integration. In the integration, you can use the three predefined views:
Create Projects in FP from SA
Create Criteria in FP from SA
Create Applications in FP from SA
To access the views, click Configure > Views > All Members/System Views > Integration Views.
Setting up the integration with IBM Rational System Architect
From the Tools menu, you can set up the integration with IBM Rational System Architect. After you set up the integration, you can move information from IBM Rational System Architect to Focal Point® and analyze the information. For example, you can compare projects against strategic objectives.
1 Click Tools > Focal Point®.
2 Select a workspace, criteria view, and data view for Focal Point®, and then click Next.
3 Select the report files in IBM Rational System Architect, and then click Next.
4 Map the criteria, and then click Next.
5 Map the data.
6 Click Finish.
Integrating with IBM Rational products