Extending product function : Setting up the product management workspace : Setting up the product management template : Integrating with Rational Team Concert
Integrating with Rational Team Concert
You can integrate IBM Rational Team Concert with Focal Point®. From Focal Point®, you can link to work items in Rational Team Concert or create work items.
These integration attributes are present in the Business Needs module:
Work Item Information (Heading)
Work Items (Integration Link)
Planned Effort (Integer)
Planned Total Cost (Integer)
To roll up the planned effort to the Release level, you can include the Work Item Information (Heading) and Total Planned Effort (Integer) attributes in the Release module in the views for releases. When you set up the integration, you must use this Integration link attribute. The attributes Planned Effort (Integer) and Actual Effort (Integer) will automatically retrieve these values from Rational Team Concert on a daily basis by default (also in the Business Needs module). The attribute Work Item State (Text) will also be updated from Rational Team Concert.
Setting up the product management template