Extending product function : Setting up the product portfolio management workspace : Troubleshooting the product portfolio management workspace : Updating ListAttributeSum
Updating ListAttributeSum
When you create the workspace, if there is an issue with the expresssion, the business rules might not be updated. You need to correct the ListAttributeSum business rule that calculates the Total NPV in the Portfolio module. The class file for this business rule is in the Product Portfolio Management Configuration add-on package.
1 Click Advanced > Business Rules.
2 In the bottom frame, click Add Business Rule.
3 Browse to the class file, and then click OK to save the file.
4 Open the product portfolio management workspace and click Configure > Attributes > Portfolios > Total NPV.
The format of the business rule is as follows:
=ListAttributeSum("801","119","335","13",'All Products',"listen_to=Status","listen_to=NPV")
The numbers are the database IDs that are unique for each Focal Point® environment.
The attribute ID of the All Products attribute in the Portfolio module.
The element ID of the View for calculating Total NPV view in Configure > Views > Products.
The attribute ID of the NPV attribute in the Products module.
The global user ID of the member who has access to the view used for ListAttributeSum. For more information, see "Finding ID numbers of users or members".
Replace the IDs with the IDs of your environment.
5 After you update the IDs, click Copy Default Value To All Elements.
Troubleshooting the product portfolio management workspace