Extending product function : Setting up the product portfolio management workspace : Troubleshooting the product portfolio management workspace : Updating SetChoice
Updating SetChoice
If there is an issue with the expresssion, the business rules might not be updated. You have to update the SetChoice business rule before you use the product portfolio management workspace.
1 Click Configure > Attributes > Projects > SetChoice.
The business rule is in the Default Value attribute and might be in this format:
The numbers are the database IDs that are unique for each Focal Point® environment:
The attribute ID of the Time Threshold attribute in the Projects module.
The choice item ID for On Schedule in Time Threshold attribute in the Projects module. On Schedule is the first item in the list.
The choice item ID for Take Caution in Time Threshold attribute in the Projects module. Take Caution is the second item in the list.
The choice item ID for Delayed in the Time Threshold attribute in the Projects module. Delayed is the third item in the list.
Replace the IDs with the IDs of your environment
2 After you update the IDs, click Copy Default Value To All Elements.
Troubleshooting the product portfolio management workspace