Managing products and portfolios : Configuring attributes : Attribute settings
Attribute settings
On the Attributes page, you can create attributes and edit the properties of existing attributes.
To open the Attributes page, click the Settings icon and then, from the Configure group, click Attributes.
To edit an attribute, click the module to which the attribute belongs, and then click the attribute. You can enter the following information about the attribute:
Provide a name for the attribute.
This text is visible when you hover the mouse pointer over the attribute title and when users edit the attribute.
Administrator Notes
In this field, you can enter tips or information for other administrators. For example, "This attribute must not be editable in any views." The administrator notes are displayed in the attribute setup when you configure access levels in views and when you add global attributes to modules.
Position Before
This setting determines where the attribute is placed.
Placeholder text
In this field, you can add text that is displayed in the attribute edit field. The text provides additional help when the user enters information into text, integer, float, or date attributes.
Default Value
Default value for the attribute. You can click the Reset ID push button to reset the ID of the unique ID attribute.
Allow Editing
Select this check box to allow the attribute to be edited.
Allow Empty Values
Select this check box to allow empty values. Applicable only for unique ID attributes.
Apply to Folders
Select this check box if the attribute is to be treated the same way for all elements in the module (both folders and nodes). If this check box is cleared, the attribute is treated as a normal text attribute for the folders: the attribute values for folders have no restrictions. Applicable for unique ID attribute.
In this field, you can add the text to be displayed before the attribute value.
In this field, you can add the text to be displayed after the attribute value.
Log Changes
Select this check box to specify if log entries are to be created for each change in the attribute value.
Property URI
Provide a unique URI according to the Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) standard for the attribute. You can use the URI from the specifications mentioned in URL link icon
For example, you can use the ChangeRequest resource, a resource specified by OSLC, to define your attribute URI
The URI is taken from URL link icon OSLC CM specification. By default, Focal Point® provides a unique URI to each attribute that is not of OSLC standard.
You can use an alias when you integrate with other tools through web services 2.0. The default value is a random auto-generated Universally Unique Identifier (UUID), which you can use instead of your Focal Point® ID. You can change the alias, but it must be unique.
An attribute marked as “Private” in the configuration leaves less footprint in the system when it is edited. When you edit a private attribute, the “Last modified” information of the element to which it belongs does not change.
Sensitive Personal Data
This setting indicates if the attribute holds sensitive personal information or not. Focal Point® will prevent the sensitive information from appearing in exports/reports/logs or notification mails.
See also
Attribute types
Adding attributes
Adding or removing attributes from views
Configuring attributes