Managing products and portfolios : Investment analysis : Specifying estimates : Entering data by using the calculator : Entering data estimates from the calculator tape
Entering data estimates from the calculator tape
Use the calculator tape interface to enter data in one row at a time and specify information in these columns: Name, Description, Type, and Value.
1 Click the Calculator tab.
2 Create a row by clicking the Add variable button.
In the Name column, the new variables and constants are added as V1, V2, and so on, by default.
3 Click the name of each variable and constant and rename them.
Do not specify a name that is already in use.
4 Optional: In the Description column, provide descriptions for the variables and constants.
5 In the Type column, select the type for each row.
The variables can be of the following types: formula, triangular, or normal. The named constants are of the fixed type. Depending on the type you select, enter different types of data in the Value column:
Enter a single value in the Value column.
Enter a mean and standard deviation in each of the Value columns.
Enter the low, likely, and high data in the Value column.
Enter an expression of previously defined variable names as an algebraic equation.
6 Select Run Simulation. An example of the results of simulation are shown in the figure.
Calculator data entry
What to do next
You can now analyze the financial model result and assign the results to a time period.
See also
Entering data by using the calculator