Managing products and portfolios : Investment analysis : Assigning the financial model results to a time period
Assigning the financial model results to a time period
Use the calculator to enter cost, benefit, and variable stream and save the results directly to a time period for a given stream, with a cost or benefit selected in the currently open model. The result of the calculation is saved to the financial model. You can use the same calculator in multiple time periods on the same cost or benefit stream with different parameters. By doing so, you can model the changing inputs and requirements over the life of the project.
1 In investment analysis, click the Calculator tab.
2 Move the timeline slider to a time period; for example, 2011 Q1. The Save button changes to reflect the selected time period.
3 Click Apply simulation to YYYY Qn.
The time period on the timeline is in bold, which indicates that the input is written to the model. To retrieve the tape for a previously saved time period, move the time slider to that time period.
4 To model changing inputs, edit the model parameters and select a new time period.
5 Click Apply simulation to YYYY Qn.
If the result is already stored in that time period, the results and model are overwritten with the new results and model. After the calculator results are saved, the data is linked to the specific tape.
6 Optional: To reload a specific tape, on the graph of the financial model, click the data point.
7 Optional: To override the calculator input values, edit the relevant tape.
8 Optional: To disassociate a tape from a time period, use the timeline slider to select the time period, and then click Clear YYYY Qn.
When a calculator result is associated with a time period, you can edit the data in only the tape. You cannot edit that data by using the graphical or spreadsheet entry methods.
When you switch to calculator method from another entry method, you can run the simulation again and save the new results to the cost, benefit or variable stream.
If you remove a data point from the graphical or spreadsheet views, the calculator model that is associated with that point is also removed.
See also
Investment analysis