Managing products and portfolios : Managing elements : Importing elements
Importing elements
To import elements or add multiple elements, you need a file in .xls format, with rows or columns corresponding to attributes of the element type. Focal Point® supports importing elements from Microsoft Excel 2003, Excel 2007 and Excel 2010 formats. The export or import for the Link, Link List and Matrix attribute types differs from other attribute types.
About this task
When importing links or link lists, only links within the workspace are set. It is not possible to import links to other workspaces. For Text List attributes, you can select multiple columns to be imported to the same attribute.
1 In the Add menu, click the view to add an element.
2 In the Add New Element frame, click Add Multiple Elements.
You can import only those attributes that are editable in the Add view. All other attributes have the default value.
3 In the Import frame, click Browse and select the worksheet that contains the elements and their attributes.
4 In the Matrix setup, select Each ROW, if each row in the worksheet contains the attributes of an element. Select Each COLUMN if each column in the worksheet contains the attributes of an element. It is optional to include the attribute names in the worksheet.
5 Select Allow import to Matrix attributes to include any Matrix attributes in the import operation.
6 Click OK to open the next frame.
7 Select the information to import.
To increase performance, large files are imported in chunks. Select Fetch size from Maximum number of rows per page if applicable. The page index is updated accordingly.
8 Select the attributes to use for the columns. If the first row or column of the Excel sheet contains attribute names, the attributes are automatically selected.
9 Select the check boxes of the elements to import. You can double‑click and edit the value of a cell, and then click Save before importing the value.
10 Click Import.
See also
Managing elements