Managing products and portfolios : Managing elements : Flagging elements
Flagging elements
Elements can be flagged in the tree view by clicking the flag icon in the tree structure.
About this task
Flagging gives a visual indication and helps the users to revisit important elements when they scroll through the tree structure. Users can also set different levels of flagging based on the relative priority of the elements.
Flag settings are remembered for each user and for each module. So, an element that is flagged for a user in one view, is flagged for the same user in all other views in the same module.
1 From the tree structure, select an element.
A flag icon is displayed in the title bar of the attribute list page.
2 Click the flag icon to set the flag level. Click the icon again to change the flag level.
3 To unset the flag, continue to click the flag icon until the element is no longer flagged.
See also
Managing elements