Managing products and portfolios : Managing elements : Displaying elements : Displaying elements in an editable table
Displaying elements in an editable table
Focal Point® version 6.5 and later supports displaying elements in an editable table. Each column contains an attribute and each row contains an element.
About this task
To display the elements in an editable table, select a view in the Display menu, and then click Display the elements in an editable table Display the elements in an editable table icon icon.
Using the editable table, you can:
double-click to edit the simple attributes like integer, float, text (simple text), checkbox, choice, date, title and URL inline
The attributes that are set to be hidden in a workflow are visible as read-only attributes in the editable table.
Editing the Type attribute of a criterion is not supported.
double-click to edit attributes like rich text, multiline text, multichoice, matrix, history, version, list-conv style, password attributes using a popup window. In List Text attribute, to remove the formatting, you must select all the text before you click the Remove Format icon.
double-click to edit formula values using a popup window
drag and drop single columns to reorder columns, and reset the columns to original order
resize the column width
hover the mouse on ... to display attributes values that cannot be displayed inline like History, Time Grid, Matrix, Multichoice, Multi line text, and List Text attributes. Rich text hover is not supported in editable table
click the hyperlink on the title attribute to display all the attributes that can be viewed or edited
use the tooltip to see the display value of the attribute. Tooltip does not appear for integer, float, checkbox and date attributes
use Create Element From option to create a new element by populating the element creation template using the attribute values of the element s selected in the dynamic table
display table in pages
select elements using a checkbox column in the extreme left corner of the table and perform actions on those elements
sort one or more columns concurrently
display only a set of selected elements using quick filter
gray out the elements that are moved out of a view after editing and make them read-only
display the traffic light inline in the table cells
row height is dynamically adjustable based on the content in the cell
compare selected elements concurrently
edit one or all simple attributes for the selected elements
select the columns and move the columns to sticky area if sticky column is activated
display the colors from color or indicator attribute in the checkbox cell
select the menu option to adjust column width
auto-wrap the title in dynamic table. The column width can be displayed uniformly irrespective of the length of the title of the column. The titles are automatically wrapped without interfering with the display of the text in the table.
See also
Displaying elements