Managing products and portfolios : Managing elements : Displaying elements : Displaying elements in an editable tree table
Displaying elements in an editable tree table
Focal Point® Version 7.4 and later supports displaying elements in a tree table. The first column of the table is used to show the parent-child hierarchy of the elements. Other columns contain an attribute and each row contains an element.
Note It is recommended to use a tree table with high levels of hierarchy, where the elements are almost evenly distributed across different groups. Trying to use a tree table with a flat structure doesn't provide any usability enhancement and might result in slow page response if there are large number of elements in a single page. In such situations, it is recommended to use either the tree view or the table view for visualizing the elements.
About this task
To display the elements in an editable table, select a view in the Display menu, and then click the Display the elements in an editable tree table icon.
The tree table feature combines the major features of both the tree view and the table view. It allows the display of the parent-child hierarchy side by side with a tabular display of element attributes. By default, the parent-child hierarchy is defined by the parent folder attribute. It is possible to change this by grouping the elements dynamically by using other attributes. You can also display a nested grouping of elements by selecting more than one attribute as the group-by attribute.
The structure of the elements and their attributes are only loaded when the parent folder is expanded. This ensures a faster response time for the view.
See also
Displaying elements