Reference : Attribute types : Date
The date attribute contains a date value; for example, 2007-11-30. You can set the date format on the Preferences page.
To change the date
1 Click the Edit link.
2 Click the Calendar icon Calendar, and then select the date.
You can also type an expression. All attribute values that start with an equal sign (=) are interpreted as expressions, and all other values are interpreted as dates.
3 Click the Save link.
The text in calendar is displayed in the locale selected for the date and number format and not the User Interface locale.
Date settings
You can use the date attribute to display a date.
Name and description
You can configure the following settings:
Date Type: The date types are Absolute and Relative. This setting decides how the default value can be set up for the attribute. If you select Absolute, the default value can be set as an absolute date using the date picker. If you select Relative, the default value can be set relative to the current date by entering the number of days, months and years either before or after the current date.
Default Value: For an Absolute date, click the calendar to select a date. For a Relative date, enter the number of years, months, and days before or after the current day to display. If you enter 0, 0, 0, the current date is displayed.
You can configure the following settings:
Allow Group By: Enables you to use the date attribute to group elements in a tree structure in a Display view.
Gantt Chart Icon: To select the icon that is used for date attributes in Gantt charts, click the link in this area.
Gantt Color: Select the color to use for the date attribute in the Gantt chart.
Java Date Pattern: Enter a valid Java Pattern for formatting the display of the Date Attributes. This pattern will be used when date attributes are displayed in the GUI. (This will not have any effect when the attributes are exported/imported using Microsoft Excel or REST calls.) For details of valid patterns that can be used, please refer to
(Do not apply when you add folders)
You can configure the following settings:
Mandatory: To make sure that users enter a value for this attribute, select this check box. Mandatory attributes are displayed with an asterisk.
When you need to set a deadline, use the mandatory settings.
Feedback Text: The text to display when the user does not specify a value for the mandatory attribute
Confirm Dialog
You can configure the following settings:
Display Dialog: Opens a confirmation window opens if a value is not specified for the attribute.
Dialog Text: The text to display in the confirmation window that opens when a value is not specified for a date attribute. Tip: You might use this setting to remind users that they have not specified an Implemented date. For example, if a user does not specify a date, a window with this text opens:
Do you want to ignore setting the date for when the requirement was implemented?
You can configure the following settings:
Expression: A numeric expression that will be evaluated whenever the new element is added or the value of the attribute is changed. Validation error will be thrown if the expression is not evaluated to 1.
For example, there are two date attributes on a module (Start Date and End Date). You can set up the following expression on both these attributes to ensure that Start Date is always earlier than End Date.
= 'End Date' >'Start Date'?1:0
Feedback Text: The feedback text shown to the end user whenever the validation fails.
Change Log
You can configure the following setting:
Log Changes: Records each change of the attribute value.
You can configure the following settings:
Property URI: Provide a unique URI according to the Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) standard for the attribute.
Alias: Alias to use when you integrate with other tools. The default alias is an auto-generated random Universally Unique Identifier (UUID). You can change the alias, but it must be unique.
Copy Default Value To All Elements
Copies the default values of the attribute to all the elements in the module that contain the attribute. The previous values of this attribute are lost. If mail is configured, you receive a report of the outcome. If an attribute contains expressions, only valid expressions are allowed to run.
See also
Attribute types