Reference : Attribute types : History
The history attribute can display the change log for an attribute in a graph or table or display the change log for an element in a table.
To change the display type of a history attribute
1 Click the History attribute.
2 On the Add History attribute page, select the display type, and then click OK.
History settings
History attributes display the attribute or element history for elements. To display the history of an attribute, the Change Log Settings of that attribute must be selected. You can display the history up to the 1000 most recent entries.
Default Value
No history: No history value is displayed.
Graph for one attribute: Select the attribute to display as the default in a history graph. The size of the graph can be either Small, Medium, or Large.
Graph for several attributes: Select the integer or float attributes to display in a history graph to form a trend chart. For each attribute, specify these options:
Display Type: Specify whether to use lines or bars to display the history values.
Trend Line: If you select All Values, the trend line is based on all the values. If you select Displayed Values, the trend line is based on the values that are specified in the Range area. The trend line is always linear.
Note If you select All Values and limit the range for the graph, you can display the long-term trend but still view values within a certain range. The result might be a graph with an upward trend, but a downward line for that period.
Interval: You can specify that only the most recent values in a selected interval are displayed. If the history attribute has many values, this setting can make the graph clearer.
Range: From the From and To lists, select the time range for the graph. You can either enter a fixed date or select the date attributes or the Created Date and Last Changed Date attributes in the module. The size of the graph can be small, medium, or large.
Table for attribute: Select the attribute to display as default in a history table from the attributes in the first choice list. The size of the table can be all, the last 10, or the last 20.
Table for element: Select the size for the number of elements to display in a history table from all, the last 10, or the last.
See also
Attribute types