Reference : Attribute types : Link
The link attribute contains a reference to another element. The target element can be located in any module in any workspace. If the source and target elements are in different workspaces, the target element can only be viewed, and not modified, even if you have administrator access to the workspace of the target element.To display a linked element, click the link. What you see depends upon your permissions:
For administrators, the target element is displayed with all of the information available in the module.
For other users, the target element is displayed according to the settings of the display view that a user has access to. If there are no display views, the element is displayed according to the settings of the first available view.
In elements that are opened by clicking the links, the attributes and editing options differ depending on whether you are an administrator.
When you generate a URL link to any element, the URL link only identifies the element and not the view. When a user clicks on that URL link, the element is displayed in the first valid view that the user has access to. For example, consider that user1 has access to view1 and view2, and user2 has access to view2 only. When user1 sends the link to user2, the element is displayed in view2 for user2.
To change the value of a link
1 Click the Edit link to change the attribute to the edit mode.
2 Click the Select link hyperlink to add a link.
3 Select the workspace to link to.
4 Depending on your role, select a module or a view:
5 If you are an administrator, select the module and the element to link to.
6 If you are not an administrator, you can see the list of views that target the modules that you can link to. Select the view that contains the element to link to.
7 Click OK to confirm the selection. The attribute page displays the selected link.
8 Click the Save link to save the changes.
Note If you edit the attribute when you add an element or if you edit all of the attributes for the element, you can add links by using Click To Add Link or remove links by clicking the Delete icon.
Link settings
Link attributes contain references to other elements. The target element can be in a module in any workspace.
You can configure the following settings:
Default Value: The value of the link attribute for a new element. You can edit this value before the element is saved. To display the list of workspaces that you can access, click the Click to Add link. Select a workspace and a module. Select the default value from the elements and folders.
Allow Links to All Other Workspaces: Enables users to link to all other modules in all other workspaces. f this option is not selected, you must manually specify the modules in other workspace that the users can link to.
Allowed Target Modules: To select the workspace and module that users can link to, click the Click to edit link.
Link to Views: For users to link to views instead of modules, click the Edit link to select the views to display for the link attribute. The views that you select must contain the elements that the users need to link to.
Note Make sure that the users who use this link can access the workspace and modules that you use as targets.
You can configure the following settings:
Editor type: Select the type of editor to use when editing a link attribute:
Dialog Window (default): Uses a modal dialog window to edit the link attribute.
Checkbox/Radio button groups: Uses groups of checkboxes or radio buttons to display the link targets in columns. The number of columns can be specified.
Note If the number of targets exceeds the limit or the link attribute targets more than one module or view, then the default editor is used.
Inline search editor: Uses an inline search editor to display the link targets.
Enable View Display of Link Targets: Enable this setting so that users can display the link targets in a view display. The same view that is used for displaying the view targets is used for this display.
You can configure the following settings:
Link Color: Select the color of the links that connect the elements in the Gantt chart and the Relational Graph. This setting does not affect the color of other links.
Allow Group By: Enables the integer attribute to be used to group elements in tree structures in a Display view.
You can configure the following settings:
Mandatory: Makes sure that users specify a value for the attribute. Mandatory attributes are displayed with an asterisk.
Note Mandatory setting do not apply when you add folders.
Feedback Text: The text to display when users do not enter a value for the mandatory attribute. Users cannot remove a link that is mandatory. They can only replace the link with another link.
Change Log
You can configure the following setting:
Log Changes: Records each change of the attribute value.
Integration Settings
You can configure the following settings:
Property URI: Provide a unique URI according to the Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) standard for the attribute.
Alias: Alias to use when you integrate with other tools. The default alias is an auto-generated random Universally Unique Identifier (UUID). You can change the alias, but it must be unique.
See also
Attribute types