Reference : Attribute types : Matrix : Matrix settings
Matrix settings
A matrix attribute consists of a grid with cells. The cells can be empty or can contain text, a number (float or integer), or an expression.When you create a matrix, you can enter text, numbers, or expressions in the cells, or you can leave cells empty. All the attribute values that start with an equal sign (=) are interpreted as expressions. All other values are interpreted as numeric or text values.
You can use the up and down arrows to move the rows of the matrix, and the right and left arrows to move the columns of the matrix. When you click OK, the default matrix that you created is copied to all of the elements in the module that have the matrix attribute. After creating a matrix attribute, you can edit the row and column headers, and the values in the grid. Click the Edit link to edit a matrix attribute. After editing, click the Save link to save the changes.
Name and description
You can configure the following settings:
Name: Name of the attribute.
Description: Text describing the attribute.
Administrator Notes: Tips or information for other administrators; for example, “This attribute must not be editable in any views”. The administrator notes are displayed in the attribute setup when you configure access levels in views and when you add global attributes to modules.
Position Before: Controls where the attribute is placed.
You can configure the following settings:
Default: Default values for each cell.
Add Row: Adds a row to the matrix. The row is added at the bottom of the rows.
Add Column: Adds a column to the matrix. The column is added to the right of the columns.
Data range in rows from: Selects the rows to use when the table or chart is displayed. The lists displays the number of rows in the matrix.
Data range in columns from: Selects the columns to use when the table or chart is displayed. The lists displays the number of columns in the matrix.
Display as: Sets the display format of the matrix:
Table: Displays the values in a table format.
Table Without Headings: Displays values in a table format but without the headings.
Line Chart, Bar Chart, or Column Chart: Displays values as graphical representations. The charts can be displayed only if the cells contain numeric values, which can be either plain numbers or results from numeric expressions.
Line charts are displayed correctly only if the selected data range meets these requirements:
At least two columns and at least two rows.
One row and at least two columns when Flip matrix axes is cleared.
One column and at least two rows when Flip matrix axes is selected.
Flip matrix axes: Displays the columns of the matrix as rows and the rows as columns in the attribute list. Use this when the matrix values are entered in columns instead of rows.
Visual (settings for Tables)
You can configure the following settings:
Minimum Column Width: The minimum column width.
Indicate Textual Values: Select this check box to indicate textual values.
Cell Alignment: Use this drop down to set the alignment of data within a cell. Provided options are: "Default", "Left", "Center" and "Right". If you chose "Default", alignment of cell will be based on the type of data it holds (text or numerical).
You can configure the following settings:
Template: Display and formatting of a matrix attribute can be configured by using a template file provided in json format. Use the Choose File option to upload a json file as the template file.
Example Matrix Template: Use the Download button to down load the sample template attached.
You can configure the following settings:
Allow Expanders: Displays the Add buttons and Delete icons when the matrix attributes of the element are edited.
Allow Edit Display Type: Displays the setting specified in the Display as choice list when the matrix attributes of the element are edited.
Show Export to Excel Link: Displays an icon that exports the cell values to Microsoft Excel when the matrix attributes are displayed.
Lock Values: Prevents the changing of the default values in the elements.
Lock Expressions: When this option is selected, all cells that have an expression as its default value will be locked from editing.
Lock Size: Ensures that all the corresponding matrix attributes of the elements have the same size as default matrix. To use the matrix attribute when you display attribute statistics (2D), select this checkbox.
Edit Field: Displays an edit field when you edit cell values in the matrix.
Change Log
You can configure the following setting:
Log Changes: Records each change of the attribute value.
Integration Settings
You can configure the following settings:
Property URI: A unique URI according to the Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) standard for the attribute.
Alias: Alias to use when you integrate with other tools. The default alias is an auto-generated random Universally Unique Identifier (UUID). You can change the alias, but it must be unique.
Copy Default Value to All Elements
Copies the default values of the matrix to all the elements in the module after you edit the values of a matrix. Copying the default values ensures that all the elements have matrices of equal sizes and contents. If your mail is configured, you receive a report of this action. For attributes that contain expressions, you can run only the valid expressions.
See also
Export and import rules for matrix attributes