Reference : Attribute types : Mirror
The mirror attribute contains a copied value from another attribute value, depending on its configuration. Mirror attributes cannot be edited.
Mirror settings
You can use a mirror attribute to reflect the attribute value of another element. This element can exist in the same module, another module, or another workspace. You can mirror only one attribute.
Note To configure a mirror attribute, the module should have a minimum of one link attribute with Allowed Target Modules configured.If the link attribute targets more than one module and the linked-in element is from a module that does not contain the mirror attribute, the mirror attribute will be empty.
Source Attribute
This is displayed when you configure a mirror attribute for the first time.
You can select the attribute to be mirrored. As the attribute reflects the linked attributes that are in the workspace, the content of the source attribute differs in each workspace. Source attributes are grouped by the link attributes in the workspace. You can mirror these attribute types: date, float, integer, link, list link, and text.
Note A link attribute that is configured to allow links to all other workspaces cannot be specified as the source attribute.
Current Source Attribute
This is displayed when you re-configure a mirror attribute.
Displays the current configuration of the mirror attribute. Appropriate message is displayed if the current configuration is invalid.
Change Source Attribute
This is displayed when you reconfigure a mirror attribute.
You can select the attribute to be mirrored. As the attribute reflects the linked attributes that are in the workspace, the content of the source attribute differs in each workspace. Source attributes are grouped by the link attributes in the workspace. You can mirror these attribute types: date, float, integer, link, list link, and text.
A link attribute that is configured to allow links to all other workspaces cannot be specified as the source attribute.
Allow Group By
Enables the mirror attribute to be used to group elements in a tree structure in the Display view.
Change Log
Log Changes
Creates history logs for each change in the attribute value.
See also
Attribute types