Reference : Attribute types : Version
You can use the version attribute to track the different versions of an element. This attribute consists of a set of numbers or characters that automatically increase based on changes in other attributes. Version attribute value is associated with other attribute values. As and when the associated attribute value changes, the version attribute value also gets updated. The version attribute can be one of three levels:
Major: Affects the first number or string; for example, 1.0 or A
Minor: Affects the second number; for example, 1.1 or PA1
Patch: Affects the third number; for example, 1.1.1 or PA1.1
The version attribute can be automatically updated when changes are made to other attributes, such as ID, Title, or Status.
Increasing the version
You can manually increase a version only to increase it to the next Major level. To increase a version attribute manually:
1 Click the Version attribute.
2 On the Add Version attribute page, from the Default Value list, select Major (1), Minor (0.1), or Patch (0.0.1).
3 Click OK.
Rolling back a version
To roll back to a previous version of an element:
1 Click the Version attribute.
2 In the pop-up window, click Rollback.
The selected version overwrites the current version, and the attributes are rolled back to their previous values.
The version number cannot be rolled back, but can increase to the next level (the highest level that is set in the attribute setup for the version attribute).
The attributes that are marked with the Information icon cannot be rolled back.
To compare the selected version to another version, from the list, select the version to compare to. A window that shows the differences between the two versions is displayed.
See also
Version settings
Attribute types