Reference : Bookmark Focal Point® resource
Bookmark Focal Point® resource
You can bookmark any of the workspace resources. You can also tag a workspace or a view as your favorite.
You can create individual URLs for all of the application resources. Thus, you can bookmark any of the resource pages by using the web browser's Bookmarks menu. After bookmarking a resource page, you can access it from the list of bookmarks in the browser’s Bookmarks menu. You can log in directly to that particular resource page. Provide a meaningful name to the bookmarks so that they can be easily identified.
You can also share the resource URL with any user who can access the workspace. For example, a workspace administrator can send an email that contains a link to a view (such as http://myserver/fp/workspace/96/view/349/element/5) to a workspace member.
You can also specify a Focal Point® workspace or a view as your favorite. The tagged entities are listed under the Favorite category in the menus, for your quick access.
To tag a workspace as your favorite
Click the View All link in the Workspaces menu, and click the gray star icon that is next to the workspace name. The star icon changes to yellow to indicate that the workspace is tagged as a favorite.
The workspace is listed in the Favorite section in the Workspaces menu.
To tag a view as Favorite
Select a view from the Add, Display, Prioritize, or Visualize menu, and click the gray star icon that is next to the view name.
Favorite views are displayed with a yellow star icon, and the view is listed in the Favorite section in the corresponding view menu.
See also