Reference : Charts and display preferences : Stacked XY charts
Stacked XY charts
The stacked XY chart displays the priorities for the selected view and all criteria. This chart displays only three dimensions, but you can visualize the contributions of all criteria. Because this is a complex chart, you must select and clear the check boxes in the criteria list carefully.
The connector feature
If you display a stacked bar chart, you can select which criteria to include in the chart. The black triangles indicate the total score for each element. Then, if you display a stacked XY chart and select the same criteria for the X axis as you did for the stacked bar chart, the element check boxes have the same positions on the X axis as the black triangles had in the stacked bar chart. This means that the element check boxes can be both on the right and the left of the Y axis.
The elements positions on the Y axis are calculated the same way as the positions are for the X axis. If the same set of criteria is selected both for the X and the Y axes, elements to the left of the Y axis are located below the X axis, and elements to the right of the Y axis are located above the X axis.
Connector feature example
If you select a Connector attribute, all of the elements with the same value for the attribute are connected with lines. In the image below, the requirements that were changed last by the same person are connected with a line.
Example that shows attrubutes that were changed
Criteria priorities
When stacked bar charts and stacked XY charts are displayed, you can take criteria priorities into account. To understand how criteria priorities affect charts, see “Using criteria priorities in charts.” To use criteria priorities in charts, follow the steps in the topics in the “Configuring criteria” section.
See also
Charts and display preferences