Reference : Dashboard REST API : The API to list all the widgets in a tab
The API to list all the widgets in a tab
This API lists all the widgets configured in a given tab.
The resource URI for the service document is
GET method
Use this method to retrieve the available widgets for selected tab.
Accept header
Response body
{"id":100,"widgets":[{"data":{"legendtitle":"Projected Annual Cost","yaxislabel":"Sum: Targeted Next Year Funding", "series":[["Title", "Enterprise Application", "Finance", "Risk Control ","Sales"],["221,500",0,0,0,239220.00000000003],["244,205",261299.35,0,0,0]],"xaxislabel":"Title"},"x":"0","width":"12","y":"0","title":"Investment Distribution by Portfolio","type":"BARCHART","height":"6"}]}
See also
Dashboard REST API