Reference : REST RDF API reference : RDF vocabulary : Service document
Service document
The service document has the high level resources for workspace and user module that a user has access to. Only users with global administrator rights can access the list of users. Referencing the workspace resource lists the modules, views, member resources of the workspace. The service document contains information where the resources that are listed can be referenced to find subsequent resources. The resource URI for the service document is:
a fps:Service ;
fps:memberModule <http://focalpointserver/fp/resources/users> ;
fps:memberWorkspace <http://focalpointserver/fp/resources/workspaces/2> ;
fps:rootService <http://focalpointserver/fp/resources/rootservices> ;
dcterms:description "This Service documents lists the top level resources for IBM Rational Focal Point® REST API" ;
dcterms:title "IBM Focal Point® REST API Services Document".
See also
RDF vocabulary