Reference : REST XML API reference : Service documents
Service documents
The service document has the high level resources for workspace, module, views that a user has access to. Only users with workspace administrator rights can access modules.
The resource URI for the service document is:
GET method
Accept header
Response body
<fp:service xsi:schemaLocation=""> <fp:workspace> <fp:title>SmartCloud</fp:title> <fp:alias>625ca8ed-d4c6-40a0-b8a2-ccc0319726a5</fp:alias> <fp:modules> <fp:collection addable="true"> <fp:title>Elements</fp:title> <fp:alias>0f615fdc-ed3d-4ce5-9eff-4f9b625986e8</fp:alias> <fp:indexList href=""/> <fp:indexTree href=""/> <fp:fullList href=""/> <fp:fullTree href=""/> </fp:collection>
Service document description
Each module and view contains an element collection. You can view the element collection in these ways in the service document:
A list of elements that includes only the title and URI of each element. If a sort attribute is defined, the elements are sorted accordingly.
A tree structure of elements that includes only the title and URI of each element. The title and not the URI of folders that not are displayed is included.
A list of elements that includes all attribute values for the attributes in the view or module. If a sort attribute is defined, the elements are sorted accordingly.
A tree structure of elements that includes the attribute values for the attributes in the view or module.
For details and annotations of the XML format for the service document, see the XML Schema document. The URI for the schema is in the schemaLocation XML attribute of the service document.
See also
REST XML API reference