Reference : SOAP Web Services API
SOAP Web Services API
Focal Point® Web Services API uses Web Services Description Language (WSDL) to define services and SOAP to call services. You can use these APIs to access Focal Point®.
For more information, see:
Focal Point® Web Services API Reference Manual
API examples
You can refer to the SOAP Web Services API examples to learn how to use the APIs for Focal Point®. The examples are in Java source files that can be compiled and run.
Sun JRE 6 or IBM JRE 6
Knowledge of Java, SOAP, and WSDL.
The SOAP Web Services API examples are in this file:
Focal Point® install directory\apiexamples\
An administrator having access to the application server on which Focal Point® in installed can provide you with the example package. For more information about the source files and the process to compile the code, see the readme file in the example package.