Reference : User interface reference : Menus : Home page settings
Home page settings
The home page displays the home page tabs with the windows that you added, and all of the inherited tabs. When you inherit a home page, the home page settings are inherited from the parent home page. The home page tabs, the tab order, and the window order within each tab are inherited from the parent home page.
Setting the home page preferences
On the User menu, click Home Page Settings.
Inherited tabs
Inherited tabs have the inherit icon Inherit icon next to Add Window. You cannot add windows to an inherited tab, and cannot change the tab order and window arrangement. The tab menu for each inherited tab lists only the Refresh menu item, which can be used to refresh the tab content with the changes in the parent windows. Inherited tabs can display reports in the report gadgets inherited from the parent window but the report parameters cannot be saved. Inherited tabs cannot be configured by using Home Page Settings.
For user-created tabs, the tab menu displays the options to edit, refresh, rename, and move the tabs to the left or right, depending upon the tab position. For user-created tabs, click the Edit icon from the tab menu, or use the Home Page Settings option from the user menu.
Home page options
Hide Empty Windows
Hides empty home page windows. A home page window is empty when a view does not contain any elements. The window title and the attribute headings are also hidden.
Public home page information
Enables users of the workspace to access a read-only version of the public home page.
Add Window
Opens the Add Window page, where you select the type of window to be added to the home page, and specify the title and content for the selected window. These settings are available for selection:
My Views
Displays a list of all the views that you can use in the workspace. Select a view from the list. If a view on your home page uses a filter, this filter is also active on the home page. Views with active filters have the Filter icon filter icon next to the view name.
Select a view, and the attributes to be displayed on your home page. After you add a View window, you can sort the contents of the view according to any of the visible attributes by clicking the attribute title. To sort the attributes in descending order, click the attribute again. The sort order is intact until you select another sort order. To return to the original order, click Reset Sorting.
Action List
Displays an action list from the Review feature. The action list is available only when you have access to a Review view.
Attribute Statistics
Displays the statistical overview of the attributes in the selected view. To configure 2D attribute statistics for the selected view, select an attribute for Row and Column, and choose the display type. To configure 1D attribute statistics for the selected view, select an attribute under either Row or Column, and select the display type.
2D Attribute Statistics can be configured in Focal Point® 6.6 and later.
What’s New
Displays a log of the changes to the selected view since the last time you opened this workspace.
Time Grid
Displays the time grid as a chart or a table.
Gauge Chart
Displays a gauge chart that is based on an indicator attribute.
Displays a text message of your choice.
Report Gadget
Displays a list of servers. On selecting a server, the available reports are displayed as a report catalog. Select a report to display the report in the report gadget in the home page.
OpenSocial gadget
Displays an OpenSocial gadget according to the XML URL that you specify.
Displays a Custom Chart plugin in a hompage window.
You can clear the Visible attribute to hide an inherited view on your home page. You can select the attributes that are visible on the home page for the Views, by selecting the Include this view check box for the attribute.
Displays the preview of your home page. Empty windows, and windows marked as “Invisible”, are not shown in the home page preview.
Reload tab contents every time when it is selected
Reloads the contents of a home page tab whenever the tab is selected. This setting is disabled in an inherited tab. For an inherited tab, this setting depends on the selection in the parent tab. Whenever the setting is changed in the parent tab, the change is reflected in all of the inherited tabs.
Icons and buttons
Use these icons and buttons to customize the home page:
Add a tab
To add tabs, click the Add tab icon Add tab. There is no limit to the number of tabs that can be created.
Rename a tab
To rename a tab, double-click the tab title, and type the name. Tabs that contain inherited windows cannot be renamed.
Rearrange tabs
To rearrange the tabs, drag the tabs at the required positions within the frame. If there are several tabs, scroll and select the required tab. Tabs that contain inherited windows cannot be moved.
Delete a tab
To delete a tab, click the tab and click the Delete tab icon Delete tab next to the tab title. Deleting a tab removes the corresponding windows and settings. Tabs that contain inherited windows cannot be deleted.
Add a window
To add windows to the selected tab, click the Add Window push button. Select the type of window to be added to the home page, and specify the title, and content for the selected window. The Add Window push button is disabled for home page tabs containing inherited windows.
Edit a window
To change window settings, click the Edit window icon Edit window in the window toolbar, and make the required changes. Inherited windows cannot be edited.
Move a window
To move a window within a tab, use the Move down icon Move down icon and the Move Right icon Move right icon in the window toolbar. To copy or move a window from one tab to another, select the Copy or Move window to tab icon Copy or Move window to tab. Inherited windows cannot be moved or copied.
Delete a window
To delete a window from a tab, use the Delete window icon Delete window in the window toolbar. Inherited windows cannot be deleted.
Preview the home page
To preview the home page, click the Preview push button. Empty windows, and windows marked as Invisible, are not shown in the preview.
If you are using the default home page in Focal Point® 7.4.1 and later, you can also use the following icons and buttons to customize the home page:
Change Heading Color
To change heading colors, click the ellipsis (...) in the menu, select the desired color for the window.
Move a window
To move a window, hover over the window heading. When the cursor changes to the ‘move’ cursor, move the window to the desired location inside the tab.
Resize window
To resize a window, hover over the bottom left or right corner of the window. When the cursor changes to the ‘drag’ cursor, use the handle to resize the window to the desired width and height.
See also
Module attributes