Reference : User interface reference : Menus : Tree menu options
Tree menu options
To access the menu options in a tree structure, right-click the tree. When you access the tree from different views or modules, the menu displays different options.
Menu item for elements
Modules (Administrators)
Edit Attributes
Edits the attribute values for the selected element
For a single element only
Insert Link
Links two selected elements
You can use this option only when two elements are selected and the view contains attributes that can be used for linking the elements.
You can use this option only when two elements are selected and the module contains attributes used for linking the elements within the same module.
Display in Printer Friendly Format
Displays the selected element in a format that is appropriate for printing
For a single element only
For a single element only
Turn into Folder/Element
Transforms the selected folders, elements, or both into either folders or elements
You can use this option only when it is allowed in the view definition.
For single and multiple elements
Display Links
Displays the links that connect the selected element to the other elements
For a single element only
Create Element from
Copies the selected element by using the values of the current element when you add a new element.
For a single element only. This option is available only when you have the privilege to add elements.
For a single element only
Copies the selected elements
For administrators and members who have the privilege to add elements
Pastes the copied elements. If you paste the element into the module that the copied element is from, all of the attributes are copied. If you paste the element in a different module or workspace, the title and description are copied.
For administrators members who have the privilege to add elements
Deletes the selected elements
Only administrators and users with workspace permissions can delete elements.
You can use this option only when it is allowed in the module configuration.
Add Element
Adds an element to the module
For a single element only
Add Folder
Adds a folder to the module
For a single element only
Group by Attribute
Groups the tree according to the available attributes. Unique values are displayed in temporary folders and all elements with that value are displayed in that folder.
Special Menu Items for Views
From Views
From Configure
Display View
Displays the contents of the selected view
For single views only
Add To/Delete from My Own Views
Either adds the selected view to, or removes the view from the set of views
For single views only
Share View
Adds the selected view to other members' sets of views
For single views only
Test View for Another Member
When a view contains a current user view rule, you can test the purpose of the view content for a specific user
For single views only
Special Menu Items for Members
Send Account Information
Sends account information to the selected members
Send Mail
Sends mail to the selected members
See also