Reference : User interface reference : Application : Support and contact settings
Support and contact settings
Administrators can configure the support and contact settings so that the required users are notified of any errors. Click Administration from the User menu. Then, click the Application tab, and select Support and Contact to display the page to configure the support and contact settings.
Focal Point® Administrator Mail Address
The mail ID of the administrator who needs to be notified about any issues in Focal Point® such as notification on insufficient disc space.
Support Mail Address
This address is visible on the login page. If an error occur, a mail is automatically sent to this address. If no address is specified, the login page does not display the “If you have any questions, please contact” link.
Support Phone Number
The telephone number that is displayed on the login page.
Java Download Information
When you use the Relational Graph, if you do not meet the minimum requirements for Java, this information is displayed.
See also