Reference : User interface reference : Application : Data access settings
Data access settings
On the Data access page in the Application menu, an administrator can configure the data access settings.
RSS Option
Specify whether RSS feeds can be used, or whether users must authenticate to use them.
Public Homepage Option
Enables users to set a home page as public without setting a user name and password. If you select Require Authentication, the home page can be set to public and users must authenticate to view the page.
Web Services 1.0
Select this option to enable the integration of Focal Point® with other tools.
OAuth token expiry time
Specify the OAuth token expiry interval. The interval options available are 30 minutes or 1,2,4,8,12, or 24 hours.
Add Domain
Sets the default domain. The default domain is used if no domain is specified when you add an element by using Web Services 2.0. You can either select a module or an Add view.
REST Page size
Select this option to set the page size while retrieving paginated collection elements using REST. The default page size is 100.
Enable TRS logging
Set this option to True if the Tracked Resource Set (TRS) change events have to be logged. This option is off by default.
TRS Page size
Select this option to set the page size of the TRS feed used for feeding data to the Lifecycle Query Engine (LQE). The default TRS feed page size is 100.
TRS events settling time
Specify the time in seconds for the TRS events to settle.
Additional prefixes for RDF
Select this option to set additional prefixes for namespace URIs. Click Add RDF Prefix to specify a prefix that is in a readable format, and the URI for that prefix.
Enable REST field selection
Disable this setting if report generation in Focal Point® using Rational Publishing Engine is found to be impacted on upgrading from an earlier version of Focal Point®.
Display Parent Folder Path
Set this option to True to display the parent folder path. While exporting and importing an element, the element can be identified using the complete parent folder hierarchy.
Parent Folder Path Separator
Specify the separator to be used in the parent folder path. The default separator is /.
See also