Tutorials : Analyzing investment using Focal Point® : Module 3: Analyze the financial model results
Module 3: Analyze the financial model results
This module describes how to analyze the financial metrics of the project, and decide if the project is a feasible investment option or not.
Learning objectives
After you complete the lessons in this module, you will know how to do these tasks:
analyze the NPV probability distribution
analyze the output attributes.
Time required
This module takes approximately 20 minutes to complete.
Lessons in this module
Lesson 1: Analyze the NPV probability distribution
In this lesson, you analyze the NPV probability distribution over a period of time.
Lesson 2: Analyze the output attributes
In this lesson, you analyze the output attributes that represent the financial metrics of the project.
Lesson 1: Analyze the NPV probability distribution
See also
Analyzing investment using Focal Point®