Tutorials : Getting started with Focal Point® : Module 2: Enter, organize, and compare data : Lesson 2: Add attributes to the module
Lesson 2: Add attributes to the module
When you create a module, a list of predefined attributes is displayed. In this lesson, you add two more attributes to the Cars module to specify information about the type and price of the cars.
To add attributes to the Cars module, you must be a workspace administrator.
For the type of the car, define a choice attribute so that a selection can be made from a predefined set. Specify the types as Sports, Sedan, and Estate.
For the price of the car, define an integer attribute.
Video: How to add different types of attributes to a module in Focal Point®
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Create a Type attribute
To create an attribute for the type of the car, define a choice attribute so that a selection can be made from a predefined set. Specify the types as Sports, Sedan, and Estate.
1 Click the Settings icon Settings icon, and then, from the Configure group, click Attributes. A list of all the modules that are available by default is displayed.
2 Select the Cars module.
3 Click Add Attribute.
4 From the attributes list, click Choice.
5 On the Add Choice attribute page, specify the details for the attribute:
In the Name field, enter Type.
In the Description field, enter Type of the car.
In the Items field, click Click here to add and edit choice items.
On the Add Item page, click Add Item.
In the Add Choice Item page, in the Name field, enter Sports and click OK.
Add choice items for Sedan and Estate, and click OK to exit the Add Choice Item page.
Do not modify other values on the Add Choice attribute page. Click OK. The Type attribute is listed as the last attribute on the Attributes page.
Create a Price attribute
1 To create an attribute for the price of the car, define an integer attribute.
2 To add the Price attribute, click Add Attribute.
3 From the list of attributes, click Integer.
4 On the Add Integer attribute page, specify the details for the Price attribute:
In the Name field, enter Price.
In the Description field, enter Price of the car.
Click OK.
Do not modify other values on the Add Integer attribute page. Click OK.
The Type and the Price attributes are listed at the bottom of the attributes list.
5 Click the arrow icon Arrow button to move the Type and the Price attribute above the Element Information heading.
The cars module contains the attributes with which you can specify the type and price of the car. You can now add cars as elements to the module. For more information on attributes, see Configuring attributes.
Lesson checkpoint
In this lesson, you learned how to add different types of attributes to a module. You added two attributes for cars: type and price.
Lesson 3: Add elements to the module
See also
Module 2: Enter, organize, and compare data