Tutorials : Getting started with Focal Point® : Module 2: Enter, organize, and compare data : Lesson 5: View and filter elements
Lesson 5: View and filter elements
You can use several display modes to view, sort, and filter data.
In this lesson, you learn about viewing elements in the tree, table, and relational graph modes. You can use various display modes to analyze data in different scenarios.
To view elements in different display modes
1 Log in to Focal Point® as Veena Doe.
2 From the Display menu, select All Cars. The elements of the module are displayed in a tree view structure. The attributes that you hid in Lesson 4: Create views are not displayed.
The tree view is a common display mode. When you open a module, the elements in that module are displayed in a tree view.
3 On the toolbar, click the Table icon Table mode icon to view the elements in table mode.
The table mode provides an overview of all the elements and the visible attributes. You can sort elements according to an attribute. To sort the elements alphabetically according to type, click Type.
4 Click the Relational graph icon Relational graph icon to view the elements in a relational graph. In this mode, you can view the relationships between the elements in a structured format.
5 To view the cars that are sorted according to the Type attribute:
From the Browse Attribute list, select Type.
From the Layout list, select Vertical Tree.
To specify the visibility of the elements in the graph, select the required text depth and node width.
Filtering data
You can use filtering to find a subset of the elements and attributes in a view. A filtered view displays only the elements that meet the rules that you specify for the attributes in the Filter setup window.The view displays all the cars that you added to the module. Define a filter rule to view only the cars that cost more than 50,000:
1 On the view toolbar, click the Table icon Table mode icon to view the elements in a table format.
2 To specify a filter rule, click the Filter icon Filter on the toolbar.
3 In the filter setup window, type Above 50K as the name for the filter.
4 From the Price list, select is more than, and type 50000 as the value.
5 Click OK. In the Display view, when you select Above 50K from the Filter list, the cars that cost more than 50,000 are shown. For more information on filtering, see Filtering views.
Lesson checkpoint
In this lesson, you learned how to view elements in different display modes and how to filter data in a view.
Lesson 6: Define criteria for prioritizing elements
See also
Module 2: Enter, organize, and compare data