Tutorials : Integrate Focal Point® with IBM Rational solution for CLM applications : Module 3: Manage business needs with CLM applications : Lesson 2: Create a project proposal
Lesson 2: Create a project proposal
After adding the business needs, you create a project proposal and link the business needs to the project. In this lesson, you create a project proposal. The business needs linked to the project are published to the Requirements Management application and then you publish that project as new project area with linked business needs to the Change and Configuration Management application.
Video: How to create a project proposal in Focal Point®
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1 Log in to Focal Point® as Carl Riggs, and then open the Sample Project workspace. Click Add > Project Proposal.
2 In Title, type WonderCar, and then click OK. The project is in the Draft state.
The WonderCar project proposal is created.
Lesson checkpoint
In this lesson, you created a project proposal to be published to the Requirements Management and Change and Configuration Management applications.
In the next lesson, you approve the project proposal.
Lesson 3: Approve the project proposal for implementation
See also
Module 3: Manage business needs with CLM applications