Tutorials : Integrate Focal Point® with IBM Rational solution for CLM applications : Module 3: Manage business needs with CLM applications : Lesson 5: Change status of requirements
Lesson 5: Change status of requirements
In this lesson, you change the status of the published requirements in the Requirements Management application.
Video: How to change the status of requirements in the Requirement Management application
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Create a requirements project in the Requirements Management application.
1 Log in to the Requirements Management application, and from the Home menu, select the Sample Requirements project where you published the business needs.
2 Click the Provide high-end electronics requirement and click the Edit button.
3 In the Status field, select Approved and click Done.
4 Click Artifacts > Browse Artifacts and click Improve safety of passengers.
5 Click Edit and in the Status field, select Approved.
6 Click Done.
7 Click Links, and then move the cursor over the URL to view the preview window. This window displays the attributes of the business need that is available in Focal Point®.
Lesson checkpoint
In this lesson, you changed the status of the requirements in the Requirements Management application and previewed the business need that is located in Focal Point®.
In the next lesson, you run the XPathValueFetcher business rule to view the status of the requirements in Focal Point®.
Lesson 6: Check progress of requirements
See also
Module 3: Manage business needs with CLM applications