Tutorials : Integrate Focal Point® with IBM Rational solution for CLM applications : Module 3: Manage business needs with CLM applications : Lesson 10: Generate report
Lesson 10: Generate report
In this lesson, you generate a report for all the business needs in the My Projects view. The report displays each business need with attributes and the status of the business needs.
Video: How to generate a report
Click to watch in new tab.
1 Log in to Focal Point® as Tim Jeffs, who is an user with administrator rights and can create a report.
2 Click the Settings icon Settings icon and, from the Configure group, click Generate Report.
3 Click Add Report Type.
4 Retain Focal Point® as Report Target and click Next.
5 In Title, type CLM report.
6 In Format, select PDF and click Next.
7 Click the Edit icon, select Projects, and click Next.
8 Click All Members and click Next.
9 Click CLM report and for Prepared by type Tim Jeffs.
10 Click Generate Report.
The report is generated for the My Projects view.
Lesson checkpoint
In this lesson, you learned to generate a report.
Summary: Manage business needs with IBM Rational solution for CLM applications
See also
Module 3: Manage business needs with CLM applications