Welcome : Release notes : New features and enhancements in 7.4.2
New features and enhancements in 7.4.2
The details of the enhancements are given below:
Home page enhancements
Focal Point® 7.4.2 includes the following homepage enhancements:
A new gauge chart widget is added to the homepage setup. Users can use this widget to display the project status as a gauge chart, based on the color codes and threshold values that are provided in any indicator attribute setup.
A new JSON-based REST API for exporting the contents of homepage tabs is included. The homepage of the user that makes the REST call is exported. The supported homepage widgets are timegrid and indicator charts, data tables, attribute statistics charts and matrices, and message windows. For more information, see Dashboard REST API.
Kanban layout of elements
A Kanban board is an agile project management concept that is used to visualize and manage the flow of work and limit the work in progress. Focal Point® 7.4.2 includes a built-in Kanban board as a part of the attribute statistics view. This layout can be visualized by selecting a choice attribute as the column attribute, and the display type as Kanban Cards. Menu options are provided to categorize the choice states into sub groups, pick the attributes to be shown on individual cards, and use a row attribute to create horizontal sections in the Kanban board.
A Kanban board can also be added to a user homepage as a subtype of the attribute statistics widget.
For more information, see Deploying a Kanban board on a choice attribute.
View enhancements
Focal Point® version 7.4.2 provides the following view enhancements:
In the Parallel coordinates view, the order of the axes and the space between the axes can be changed using drag and drop. Options for grouping and sorting the elements are available as context menus for each axis.
Attribute statistics charts are enhanced with new C3-based visualization charts. It is also possible to display the attribute statistics information as display overviews.
New advanced search
Focal Point® version 7.4.2 provides the following advanced search enhancements:
Users can search across the entire workspace or selected views. In order to search across the entire workspace, users must have access to modules through one maximal view (previously known as search view) from each module.
When searching across the entire workspace or a view, it is possible to limit the search to a selected set of attributes or to title and prefix attributes alone.
Users can view the search results as a view display and use this view to do further filtering, searching, or grouping operations on the search results.
For more information, see Search options in Focal Point®.
Speech recognition in Focal Point®
Focal Point® version 7.4.2 introduces speech recognition as a way to enter information when you edit and create elements. This feature is available only when using a secured connection (https) with the Google Chrome browser, and must be enabled at the individual workspace level. The speech recognition feature allows users to give spoken instructions to edit attributes while moving up and down in the attribute list page.
For more information, see Speech recognition in Focal Point®.
Miscellaneous Enhancements
Focal Point® version 7.4.2 includes the following miscellaneous enhancements:
You can use an indicator attribute as a group-by attribute in the tree view.
You can use the notification feature to upload the content of a view to an FTP server as a Microsoft Excel file. The upload can also be scheduled to run at specific time intervals.
Permission to share filters is now separated from the permission to manage global filters and is available as a new option for each user.
Attribute configuration settings are provided to select sort options for displaying files in a file attribute.
Dojo Editors are replaced with CKEditors for rich text editing.
You can use matrix writer with incoming links configured on views.
You can use a Lock expression setting on matrix attributes to prevent the editing of matrix cells with expressions when you import a Microsoft Excel file.
Support for RHEL 8 as an application server and Oracle 19c as an application database.
See also
Release notes