Administering : Editing view settings : Defining the default display format
Defining the default display format
As an administrator, you can define the access level of view attributes, the default icon, color and other view settings and the default display settings for the view.
Before you begin
You must be logged in as the workspace administrator. You can click the single element view icon on the display toolbar to view a single element, without displaying the element tree. This is the default display mode when you click the links in the link attributes.
1 In the workspace, click the Settings icon Settings icon and then, from the Configure group, click Views. Select the view.
2 Ensure that the selected view is included in the Add, Display or Visualize menus.
All the currently defined view rules are deleted if you click Redefine. This action cannot be rolled back.
3 In the View Definition section, click the Edit View Definition icon.
The window to define the view rule appears.
4 Define the view rule, and then click Next.
The window to define the access level for the attributes appears.
5 Define the access level for the attributes, and then click Next.
The window to define the view settings appears.
6 In the Administration Settings section, define these settings:
Icon Attribute
Select the icon to be displayed to the left of the view elements in the tree structure.
Color Attribute
Select the color to be displayed to the left of the view elements in the tree structure. The color is also displayed in the editable table towards the left of the checkbox in the Select/Deselect all column in the table.
Sort Attribute
Administers can use this option to define an attribute that can be used as the sort attribute for the view. The default is to use the sort setting from the module. If the User Defined option is selected, the sort setting at tree level can be controlled by individual users using a menu option.
Tree Group By Attribute
Administers can use this option to define an attribute that can be used as the group by attribute for the view. The default is to use the User Defined values set by the user in the tree view.
Attribute Layout
Use this setting to define the layout of the attributes in tree and single element view. If the User Defined option is selected, the layout of the attributes can be controlled by the individual users.
Add View
Select to define the display of the Add form for the view.
Excel Import View
Select to define the display of the attribute mapping page for the view. If you select None, the Update from Excel menu item is disabled in the table view and editable table view.
Link Table Popup View
This view will be used to show the linkable information in a pop up.
Disable Export
To disable data export from table view and dynamic table view to Microsoft Excel and .csv files, select this checkbox.
By default, the checkbox is not selected.
Disable LinkTable Export/Update
Use this option to disable the export of information from linktable into Microsoft Excel. This will also prevent export of linktable information in Excel sheet into Focal Point.
Disable Dynamic Filter
To disable dynamic filter for the view, select this checkbox.
By default, the checkbox is not selected.
Disable Shared Filter
To disable shared filter for the view, select this checkbox.
By default, the checkbox is not selected.
Disable Add To Other
Use this option to hide Add to Other menu options in the display view.
Disable Add new Tag keywords
To disable creation of new tag key words. Users can only use the existing tag keywords.
7 If the view is included in the Add menu, the following additional checkboxes are displayed in the Administration Settings section:
Hide Add Multiple button in Add form
To hide the Add Multiple view name button in the Add form of the view, select this checkbox.
Hide View in Add Menu
To hide the view in the Add menu, select this checkbox.
8 In the Default Settings section, specify the default global filter and toolbars. These settings are applicable only until the user makes a different selection.
Default Global Filter
Select a filter from the list of global filters defined for the view. The selected global filter is set as the default filter for the view.
Display Toolbar
When a view is loaded, it is displayed in the tree format by default. Select a display format other than the tree view.
Visualize Toolbar
When a view is included in the Visualize menu, the prioritization results are displayed in a bar chart, by default. Select a visualization format other than the bar chart.
9 In the Workspace Service Provider association section, select Allow or Restrict for each of the workspace association. Use the arrow icons to select Allow or Restrict for all of the workspace associations.
10 Click Finish.
When the view is opened, it is displayed in the default display format that is configured by the administrator.
To change the default display format of the view to the table view:
1 Click the Settings icon Settings icon and then, from the Configure group, click Views. Select the view.
2 Edit the view definition, and then click Next until the window to display the view settings appears.
3 In the Display Toolbar field, select Table, and then click Finish.
When a regular user opens this view, it is displayed in the table view format.
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Editing view settings