Administering : Editing view settings : Customizing the display format
Customizing the display format
As an administrator, you can configure a view with a display format that is different from the default display settings for a view. Customizing the view helps the regular users to see an appropriate display format without having to change the settings each time that they open the view.
Before you begin
You must be logged in as a workspace administrator.
1 In the workspace, click Display menu, and select the view.
The view with the default display format appears.
2 From the toolbar, select the display type such as tree or table. The display type is refreshed with the new setting.
3 Specify the view settings by using the appropriate controls for the selected display type.
4 In the toolbar, click the Save settings for all members in this workspace icon Save customized settings for all members in this workspace.
When a user who has access to this view, opens this view, the customized display format settings configured by the administrator are displayed. A user can make changes, if needed. To clear the changes to the display settings and to restore the settings saved by the administrator, click the Clear and revert to default settings for this view icon Clear and revert to default settings for this view.
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Editing view settings