Administering : Managing users : User settings
User settings
Global administrators can specify general user settings.
From the user menu, select Administration. Click Users, and then click User Settings to specify these values:
If this value is Yes, users can request access to workspaces by clicking the Need Access link on the Login page.
Registration Notification
After a user is registered in a workspace, a notification is sent to the address in this field. If you specify several addresses, separate them with , (comma) or ; (semicolon).
Self Registration Single Workspace
Yes: Users can select only one workspace when they request access by using the Need Access link.
No: Users can request access to several workspaces.
Self-registration Information
You can add a mandatory field in the Need Access registration form. The text that you provide here is displayed as the title for that mandatory field. Any data that the user provides in that mandatory field is included in the email that is sent to the user administrator.
Disable Add Member
This setting is useful when servers are shared. If the value is Yes, workspace administrators cannot add members to their workspaces; only global administrators who can access the Administration menu can add members to workspaces.
User Sort Attribute
Select the attribute to sort the users. You can choose from the following types:
Text (except the Information attribute)
Unique Id
Created Date
Last Changed Date
Choice attribute. You can sort according to the order of the choice items or according to the alphabetic order of the items (default).
To change the default setting, enable or disable Sort Alphabetically for the Choice attribute. From the user menu, select Administration. Click Users and then User Attributes to specify the settings for the Choice attribute.
System User
Select a user to be displayed in the Element Information or Last Changed By fields when a business rule changes an attribute value.
The default value is Users.
Change User Name
Yes enables users to change their full name in the Personal information tab of the Preferences menu.
The default value is No.
Change E-mail
Yes enables users to change their email address in the Personal information tab of the Preferences menu.
The default value is Yes.
Display accessible workspaces
Yes: The list of accessible workspaces is displayed in the User Information page.
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Managing users